Thursday, October 30, 2008


To many-even most,life is a catalogue of pains,rejections and failures.They will rather wittingly settle down and dine with poverty than to stand up tall and fight to take their place among the movers and the shakers.

From time immemorial,there has been class distinction-distinction between the poor and the rich,the educated and the illetrate,the leader and the follower...............the list is endless.The different between these classes of people is one commom gift every man poses-CHOICE.

Man is a free moral agent,he has the ability to choose.

Life is an embodiment of decisions.Daily,we all have the opportunity to choose between life and death,victory or defeat,abundance or lack.Thus,if you fail it's your fault,if you succeed,it's your choice.

Myraid of people fights everyday and everywhere.They give different reasons for fighting:some fights at home,in the streets,and in the sporting arena.But whatever the reasons are,the real fight of life is not won by the one who fights with his fist but the one who fights in his mind against the forces of life and win.The real fight of life is a fight against that which seeks to make wretch of your dream for greatness;a fight against those things that seeks to make your life of no value.

Choose to be a success.Choose to impact your world.Choose to win over the challenges of life.It all depend on you.

Dream Does Come True

Are you a dreamer out there?
Does it seem you have lost your wings?
Oh!It seem you can't fly again.
Though your dream may tarry
But hold on to it.
Life may say "No"
But your opinion is what matters.
Don't listen to the mockers
Their opinion don't count.
If only you hold on
If only you can.......
Your dream
Surely will become a reality.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


"The fear of failure is the foundation of failure"-YINKAWEALTH.

"The only ingrident to change the world is to change self"-YINKAWEALTH.

"You have not won against life until you become that man or woman God wants you to be.-YINKAWEALTH.


Is life partial?No,i don't think so."But why are some born with silver spoon in their mouth whilst some others are born with none?"You may ask.

Life is beautiful.Your perception of life determine your response to it.Prize life and improve it:it's a dear gift of God.Our parental lineage,our colours,our citizenship-these are all undetermined occurrences of life,orchestrated by fate.Fate may have dealt you a blow of poverty,with a sting of failure.But you can still determine what the future holds.


Millions all around the world especially in this part of the globe-Africa,have given in to fate-they've wittingly chosen the way of fate,not willing to challenge the status-quo or query the norms.The future is in your hands.If your past is not inspiring,dump it and create the future you want.You can start a new phase of your life today by making a choice to make a difference in the world-leaving clues behind after you longed gone.The ball is in your court,let the world know that you came.